Saturday, June 20, 2009

imani ke dunia

This is the touching part..
Ummi just found Abi's pen drive that keep vclip during imani was born. I've been searching for this clip for a year!
It was a fine afternoon, 5th March 2008, about 4:20..the most increadible, beautiful things happened to me..a gift from God...I just can't believe I just give birth to a beautiful baby girl weight 3.67kg. I cried that time and every time I flashback that moment. I thank Uwan for bring me to the world.
Well, enough the touching are a very spoilt baby from the beginning. It's been a week from the due date that you supposed to see the world but you show no sign but still stay happily inside my womb. You love it aren't you? stay attached to me until now. By the way, I am 5 month pregnant with your brother/sister when I wrote this. So, start being independent girl! You gonna be a big sister soon!! Back to the day you were born, Uwan was in KL just to accompany us back to Batu Pahat. She was worrying too much that she came 2 days ealier just to find out that I still can drive and go shopping. That lovely morning, we were having a nice breakfast at Bangi's Kopitiam. Aroung 10pm we went to "check in" to An Nur Speacialist Hospital. I was worried about yr Uwan more than myself, where she's going to sleep, show her the surau and everything, not knowing what's gnna happen the next hour. The nurse asked me to to lay down the bed and rest. I don't want to coz I'm not tired or sick. By 11pm, they had prepared the labour room for me. So they took me there, change my cloth, prepared all the wire and machine around me. At that point, they not allowed me to go anywhere anymore even to the toilet. Just after the drip was on, Dr Khamsiah, our gynea, came to me with a strange look. She was talking about the labour pain and how she and most people can't stand. She advise me to take the epidural. I was blur. Never in my life I've been thru a labour pain before of course. So how will I know whether I can stand it or not? As far as I know, it was different for every women. What if I can stand it? what if God made its not so bad for me? Was it gonna waste? What if I still can feel the pain even with epidural? What will be the side effect?So, I said to the dr that this is my first time and i want to experience it my self.
Ok, me and your Abi waits..and waits..
The pain started to come around 1 o'clck. It was like every 20 minutes. And its became harder and more often by 3pm. I was blamed myself not to take epidural before. Now its already too late!!By 4.00pm it was like every 5mnts!!and at that time Abi wants to go for his Zohor prayers..I was so mad I won't let him go!!I was in pain and he want to leave me alone? 20 minutes late the doctor came, I was sooo relief to see her face!!She said that I can push I push..she and her team was so relax. .maybe bcoz they have been thru all this everyday. For some point, she asked me not to push but she said yr head has already shows up! She asked Abi to see it and standby the camera. We don't have a camera!!but Abi used his camera phone to catcth the moment. Just after you came out and the moment taken, Abi's phone was ran out of battery!!!